Tuesday, March 27, 2018

What is an As-Built Survey?

Have you ever wondered how customers verify major construction projects? When a builder hands over the keys to a new school building, for instance, how do the school officials know that the public got its money's worth? Is the school building the right dimensions and in the exact location that the contract specified?
An as-built survey performed by a surveying company can answer most of these questions. As-built surveys seek to verify that what the builder's contract specified was what they delivered to the customer as a final product. Many land surveyors in Los Angeles offer this type of survey for major construction projects throughout Southern California.

As-built surveys can also help determine if the project in question affects the environments and local ecosystems in ways that environmental regulatory agencies have already approved. As-built topographical surveys can show how the project impacts water flow and erosion which can have major effects on local ecosystems.It could be a costly mishap to exceed environmental impact limits. It can be essential to discover any problems early on because the customer will usually have an easier time holding the construction company responsible if they can quickly demonstrate any errors. Land surveyors in Los Angeles could arm customers with vital information if construction did not meet the contractual specifications.

Another possible benefit of an as-built survey is the ability to verify that the construction company located the structure or project precisely at the specified location. Missing the proper position by just a relatively small amount can be a major problem for the customer. An as-built survey can ensure that the project managers observed the appropriate setbacks and property line restrictions. This type of review can also prove that all dimensions of the finished project are correct. Land surveyors in Los Angeles perform many types of surveying duties, but as-built surveys could be considered one of the most important for significant construction projects.